Historic U.S. Highway 65, Minnesota
Articles (Listed from north to south) |
Type |
Highway 149 (The High Bridge Route) | Historic Alignment |
Robert Trail, Farmington to St. Paul | Historic Alignment |
Old Road at Geneva - NEW! 10/4/11 | Historic Alignment |
Old Road at Clarks Grove - NEW! 9/01/11 | Historic Alignment |
Old 65 Between Albert Lea and Geneva - NEW! 9/21/11 | Historic Alignment |
Stevens Street, Albert Lea - NEW! 8/14/11 | Historic Alignment |
Old Road Between Albert Lea and Clarks Grove - NEW PHOTOS! - 8/28/11 | Historic Alignment |
Old Route at Albert Lea (Broadway and William Street) - NEW! 8/13/11 | Historic Alignment |
Old Jefferson Highway - Albert Lea to Iowa - UPDATED WITH NEW MAPS ETC!! - 1/20/13 | Historic Alignment |
Markers at the Iowa/Minnesota State Line - NEW! 8/10/11 | Historic Roadside |