61sign Historic U.S. Highway 65, Minnesota

Articles (Listed from north to south)


Highway 149 (The High Bridge Route) Historic Alignment
Robert Trail, Farmington to St. Paul Historic Alignment
Old Road at Geneva - NEW! 10/4/11 Historic Alignment
Old Road at Clarks Grove - NEW! 9/01/11 Historic Alignment
Old 65 Between Albert Lea and Geneva - NEW! 9/21/11 Historic Alignment
Stevens Street, Albert Lea - NEW! 8/14/11 Historic Alignment
Old Road Between Albert Lea and Clarks Grove - NEW PHOTOS! - 8/28/11 Historic Alignment
Old Route at Albert Lea (Broadway and William Street) - NEW! 8/13/11 Historic Alignment
Old Jefferson Highway - Albert Lea to Iowa - UPDATED WITH NEW MAPS ETC!! - 1/20/13 Historic Alignment
Markers at the Iowa/Minnesota State Line - NEW! 8/10/11 Historic Roadside

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