Site Information and Links

Welcome to Deadpioneer's Historic Minnesota Highways!

This site is my way of documenting my quixotic quest to map and explore the historic highways of the great state of Minnesota.

Roads and routes become imprinted in our shared memory as we journey down them - the road to Grandma's house - to the cabin - to school - to a new life - or the road home. When these roads are bypassed or transformed, the reality, landmarks, and feelings that formed our shared memory can seem lost to time. But sometimes, something is left behind to remind us....

blue civic front page

Research Sources / Links

The vast majority of historic documents I use to do my research are available for free on the web. I get most of my information directly from the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Information from MnDOT:

Aerial Photos

Historic aerial photos are an invaluable tool for confirming information on highway plans and revealing details not covered by other documents. A few web sites provide historic aerial photos for viewing or download:

Other Historical Resources:

  • Minnesota Reflections - This site allows for the viewing of nearly every official highway map produced by the Department of Highways since 1919, as well as many other documents including motor trail authorizations and the Department of Highways employee newsletter "Minnesota Highways" which provides great photos and info on past construction projects.

  • Winona Newspaper Project - A site that provides fully searchable articles from Winona's historic newspapers.

  • The Minnesota Historical Society Library in St. Paul.

Other Highway Pages:

Sometimes referred to as "Road Geek" sites, these sites are put together by several other folks who are just as, or more obsessed, with Minnesota highway lore than me.

Minnesota Pages

  • The Unofficial Minnesota Highways Page - by Steve Reiner - I probably would have never started this project if it weren't for Steve Reiner's site, which gave me the foundation I needed to start my research. His site is a definite first stop for anyone remotely interested in Minnesota highway history. HIs site provides information on all of Minnesota's numbered routes, past as present, as well as background information on their legal basis.

  • Froggie's Place - A site with a ton of information on Minnesota highways (plus other states), including exit lists and information on proposed highways that were never built.

  • Northstar Highways - Some great information and photos of old infrastructure around MInnesota.

U.S. Routes and Interstates

Neighboring State/Province Pages

Maps on the Page

I make heavy use of the Google Maps API to provide interactive maps of historic highway alignments. The information shown on the maps is in either JSON or KML formats, and edited using ArcGIS or Google Earth.

The static maps on the site have been created using several pieces of software including Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, and ArcGIS.


Flickr Page

All of the color photographs on the site are from my own collection unless otherwise credited. I currently use a Canon T5i. Older photos were taken with a Canon G11 or Nikon Coolpix 5200. If you would like to use one of my photos for non-commercial purposes, please drop me an email (see contact info below). I am 99.9% sure that I will allow it, as long as appropriate credit is given.

About the Author

Hi, I'm Andrew Munsch. I am a GIS Analyst at the University of Minnesota. I earned a Master of Geographic Information Science in 2014, and a B.S. in Geography in 2003, both from the University Minnesota. I currently reside in Minneapolis. When I'm not working on this site I like to dabble in Rock and/or Roll.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or corrections for me, feel free to email me:
