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Modern Highway Photos: Wisconsin State Line to Dakota
November, 2006 (Page 3)
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On the I-90/U.S. 61/U.S. 14 multiplex, just south of Dresbach. The stretch
of I-90 between the two junctions with U.S. 61/U.S. 14 was originally completed
in 1964. For a few years, it was essentially an upgrade to U.S. 61, replacing
the old two-lane road. The bridge to Wisconsin wasn't opened until 1967; the
highway up the Nodine Hill wasn't completed until 1972.
Approaching the Dresbach exit.
At the Dresbach exit. The old highway passed directly through the town (for
more info, see the lost highway article here).
More scenery at Dresbach.
Panorama of the dramatic river bluffs, looking north towards the exit to the
small river town of Dakota.
Approaching the north interchange with I-90 at Dakota.
The actual split between U.S. 61/U.S. 14 and I-90 at the County Road 12 overpass.
I-90 ascends out of the river valley towards Rochester and Austin, while U.S.
61 and U.S. 14 continue north along the river towards Winona.
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