61sign Modern Highway Photos: Wisconsin State Line to Dakota

November, 2006 (Page 2)

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Looking north down U.S. 61/U.S. 14 from a service drive in La Crescent.

Route markers.

Another northbound view at La Crescent. The divided highway here is still on the grade constructed in 1941. It was finally rebuilt in 2007/08.

At 2nd Street.

Leaving the north side of La Crescent.

The highway north of La Crescent was upgraded to a divided highway in 1964 as part of the construction of I-90.

At the Winona County Line.

Trailblazer signage for the south junction with I-90.

A view of the I-90 bridge between Minnesota and Wisconsin, opened in 1967. Now considered obsolete, the bridge will likely be replaced soon.

Approaching the south interchange with I-90, initially opened in 1964 but not completed until 1967.

At the entrance to the Dresbach Information and Rest Area (on the right), just before the ramp to I-90.

On the ramp to I-90. On the right is a bike trail, constructed on top of the old two-lane grade constructed in the 1920's (for more info, see the lost highway article here).

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