Historic U.S. Highway 65: Markers at the Iowa/Minnesota State Line
Markers at the Iowa/Minnesota State Line
Located: On the east side of U.S. 65 at the Iowa/Minnesota border.
- 1930 - Jefferson Highway Marker
- 1941 - State Line Marker
Also On:
Status: Intact. State line marker partially restored.
Access: Public. Accessible by pulling off U.S. 65 at the junction with Freeborn County Road 106. No other road-side facilities at the site.
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U.S. 65's crossing of the Minnesota/Iowa border is graced by the presence of two historic markers.
The smaller and older of the two is a grave-like obelisk commemorating the completion of the Jefferson Highway across Iowa and Minnesota, dedicated by the governors of both states on October 28, 1930. The Jefferson Highway, one of the best known motor trails, had been the original route on the road south of Albert Lea into Iowa before the creation of the trunk highway system. Ironically, by the time the road was dedicated the Jefferson Highway was already on its way out, having been replaced by first State Route 1 in 1921, and U.S. 65 in late 1926. The road past the site is on the same alignment as when it was completed over 80 years ago.
The other, more substantial structure, is a rustic stone pedestal welcoming motorists to and from Minnesota. It was installed in 1941 by the National Youth Administration, a New Deal works program administered by the WPA. It was one of 18 stone markers installed on major border crossings around southern Minnesota at around the same time (16 of which survive). The construction plans called for the planting of juniper trees and bushes around the marker, with the rest of the site ringed by a grove of lilac and lavender bushes. Elm trees were to be scattered across the site as well. Today only the Juniper trees behind the marker and the lilac grove remain.
Taken by the author in July, 2010.
General view of the markers at the state line, looking north.
Close-up of the "IOWA" side of the Jefferson Highway monument.
Close-up of the dedication plaque.
Minnesota side of the monument.
The "Welcome to Minnesota" marker. Note the juniper tree directly behind the marker, planted in 1941.
Closer view of the pedestal. The sign and its the wooden beams appear to be replacements (the original sign read "Department of Highways" instead of "10,000 Lakes".) Note the U.S. 65 marker in the background.
- Historic Roadside Development Structures on Minnesota Trunk Highway, Appendix K
- Construction Plans: State Project 2404-01, April 26, 1941.
- Construction Project Log Record, Control Section 2404.