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Modern Highway Photos: St. Paul to Newport
September, 2006 (Page 2)
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Looking south down U.S. 61/U.S. 10 from Warner Road. The divided highway on
the east side of St. Paul was last reconstructed in about 1986 (although it
has recently been resurfaced). This section was originally upgraded to four
lanes between 1937 and 1940.
Continuing southbound from Warner Road.
A sign warning of the construction near the interchange with I-494, part of
the massive Wakota Bridge replacement project.
Southbound between Warner Road and Lower Afton Road.
U.S. 61/U.S. 10 parallels the major rail lines leaving St. Paul for points
south and east.
At Lower Afton Road. The southbound lane here was constructed in 1986, further
from the old divided alignment, now the northbound lanes.
Another view, with route markers just south of Lower Afton Road.
A view of the modern divided highway from East Point Douglas Road, between
Lower Afton Road and Highwood Avenue. The road on the left is actually the
original paved highway, bypassed in around 1940 (for more info see the lost
highway article here).
Another view, a bit further south. The lanes south of Lower Afton Road are
generally separated only by a high concrete median.
Yet another view, from just north of Springside Drive.
Southbound, back on the main highway at Highwood Avenue. Access to Highwood
Avenue was closed in the 1986 reconstruction. Highwood was part of the original
alignment of State Highway 100, the old Twin Cities ring route, from 1934
until 1962.
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