I just received two great photos from Mike Sebek of his grandfather and future uncles, the Johnsons of St Paul, on a family road trip in 1933 or 1934 at the old Pigeon River crossing between Canada and the United States on Highway 61.
The first image shows the Johnson family posing at the steel bridge completed in 1930, looking north across the Pigeon River into Canada. From left to right: Charles I Johnson “Chuck”, Wilfred T Johnson Sr, Wilfred T Johnson Jr “Bill”.For comparison, here is me standing at nearly the same location in 2012, nearly 80 years later (the angle of the picture is to the northeast instead of to the northwest) The bridge has been removed, but the abutment remains.The second image is at the Canadian customs station (this building is visible in the first image above the left shoulder of Mr. Johnson Sr.)
Many thanks to Mr. Sebek for providing the photos!
For more photos and history of the historic Pigeon River crossing, see my article HERE